Monday, January 7, 2008

God is...

... faithful. Wow! Two months ago I was sitting in the Seattle airport on my way back to Maryland. As I was watching the sunset and waiting for my plane, I spent time in prayer with God. I sensed him saying that no matter what happened over the next two months I needed to know that he was faithful. Virtually every morning I was home I started the day in prayer as I walked around my community, reminding myself of God's promise to be faithful and asking for the courage to take the necessary steps of faith everyday. Now I sit back in my office at camp, my time of fundraising at home is done, and God has remained true to his word. I have returned to camp having reached the full $2000/month minimum requirement for raising my salary!

But being home was much more than raising money. It was spending time with so many friends and family members. It was getting to share with people about my life and work and how God has been leading me. It was getting to build new friendships. It was fun. It was challenging. It was encouraging, and a time to learn to walk more closely in dependence on the Lord.

Thank you so much to everyone I got to enjoy spending time with. I was overwhelmed by a strong community of faith who both supports me and believes in me. What an a amazing gift to receive!

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